Signal private messenger is very popular nowadays. More and more people installing Signal App. But as a messenger app, it should have a backup feature to backup private messages. Don’t worry about backup, Signal messenger provides a backup feature to backup signal messages. Let’s see how to backup Signal Messages.
Steps to Backup Signal Messages :![How to Backup Signal messages on Signal messenger [Step by Step] 1 Backup signal messenger]()
- First of all, Open the Signal Messenger App on your smartphone.
- Then, go to the Settings menu.
- After that, go to Chat settings.
- Now in the Chat settings, you’ll see the Backup option, at last, simply click on the Backup option.
- Then, Click on the Turn ON button, After that, you have to choose a folder to Backup Signal Messages.
Note: Signal Messenger stores your Backup on the Local folder not on the Server or Cloud so make sure you keep your Folder safe so you can easily recover the signal messages from the backup file.
That’s how you can easily take backup signal messages on Signal Messenger through the local backup of your signal messages.
Also check: How to Make a Group on Signal Messenger App
I hope this article helped you to Backup Signal messages on your Signal Messenger App. Share this article with your friends and family so they can also take Backup of Signal messages on their phones.
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